Sorry - this'll be fairly short as I'm tired but wanted to get a little something up before I went to sleep!
3k tonight - had made very concious decision to ignore time entirely and concentrate on racing whicever little group I got into (usually I get very stressed about splits) - first lap was in around 72/73 and I was practically off the back but managed to get back on and gradually move up til I was tucked in a little group. Went through the mile in 4:51 still feeling very relaxed. Knew I was running well within myself but decided just to stick in and concentrate on beating this little group. Was going to make a big move at 600 but just as I was going someone sprinted around the outside and blocked me until the home straight! Went through the bell in 7:55 and kicked like crazy fairly certain I'd get a PB (9:07) but no thought of breaking 9, was possibly slowing a touch when I got to 200 to go ("8:28"), and started kicking all over again. Clocked 9:00! If I'd just gone at 600 sure I'd have got it!
Still - very pleased to actually go and have some fun in a track race.I've been spending all night with a big smile on my face. Apart from the last 400 the whole race felt exceptionally easy and not having done anything close to this pace in a long time (I think the last 400 is probably my fastest in about 2 years!) I was very pleased. Hopefully next time I'll clock a sub 9, but given how easy it felt after 6 1/2 laps I'll be interested to see if I can maintain that pace to 5k.
Vaguely confirms something I've been pretty sure of for a while - to race people rather than to try and hit even splits gives you the best race. I felt so good tonight because I wasn't even worrying about the splits (couldn't tell you what they were!) and was letting how I felt dictate the pace. I just wish the group had been moving a fraction of a second a lap quicker!
Also nice to finally meet Aaron Scott (Twitter) and have a short natter.