Personal Coaching

If you're interested in being coached personally then please contact me at

The process will usually comprise an initial questionnaire so I get an idea of your running background and then a conversation where we talk through you running history, available training time, goal races in the short and long-term and the specific areas we need to work on to help you achieve those goals and any specific questions you have regarding training.

Generally the way I work is to provide a plan for the next two weeks and provide the next week and any adaptions to the current week based on your feedback email. All plans will be designed to accommodate your daily schedule and any club runs or sessions you do on a regular basis (although you may find yourself tweaking these).

My coaching philosophy is to keep training simple and progressive. The reason I like to keep training programmes to the next two weeks (although the wider plan will be mapped out) is partly to make sure the traning programme is adequately adapting to you but also because you would (initially) be shocked at just how much your training will transform over 3 months, 6 months and beyond.
The fee is £40 per month for coaching on an ongoing basis. I coach all abilities from people looking to break 30 minutes for 10k up to those looking to break 30 minutes for 5k and beyond. First time marathoners especially welcome.

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Bryn Running

Training diary and musings on running in general.