Monday: 4 easy AM; PM 11 steady mostly at mid 6s with a few 5:4x miles thrown in. (15)
Tuesday: 4 easy AM; PM long wu, 10 x 800 (75 / 200m jog), wd - first 6 were at about 2:38/39 pace with next 4 about 2:52 as I eased off and ran comfortably - very icy track. (15.5)
Wednesday: wu, 2 laps BP steady, wd (6)
Thursday: 4 easy AM; long wu, 6 x (mile hard, 0.75 recovery) paces for miles were:- 5:44; 49; 38; 27; 33 and 35 (5:38mm AVG) recovery paces were:- 6:49, 50, 40, 36, 33 and 52 (6:43mm AVG) , Total = 6 laps at 64:06 ( AVG: 10:40 per lap / 6:06mm), wd (20)
Friday: Rest!
Saturday: 10 easy/steady (8mm) - 2 very slow miles on the snow then the rest of the run probably averaged 7:30 pace.
Sunday: wu then just short of 16 miles at 7:30mm around a very snowy and slippy Richmond park (running on snow / ice the entire team which made the run a lot harder!). (17)
Total mileage: 84
First "proper" mileage week in a while. Really enjoying the training at the moment. Reps are slowing down a little bit but I'm speeding up my steady runs over previous years (where 8mm could even be a "fast" run). That said the last two weeks had about 10-12 days of "hard" work but unfortunately a bad day either side made them look a bit poor.
Really pleased with the Thursday session as I haven't done a lot of that type of session in the past and it went pretty well. Especially pleased to average for the whole run as I was really worrying about my fitness to get extended tempos of that description done without redlining. Actual reps were 0.96 miles and 0.78 for the recoveries so I've just given paces above.
The Sunday run was okay - it was quite an experience running 16 miles around a totally snowed Richmond Park and I was shocked at how many people there were going around! Pace wasn't quick and the distance wasn't far but to be honest just to get a half decent effort in in poor conditions without slipping or picking up a niggle is pretty good.
Next week is gonna be a tough one.
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