Monday: 45 jog testing hip flexor. Seemed fine. Bit unpleasant going past tooting common crime scene.
Tuesday: Aborted track session as was running abysmally and struggling at what is usually a comfortable pace and just did a long warmdown. 30 wu, mile, km, 600, 600, 35 wd
Wednesday: 41 run into work AM; 61 jog PM
Thursday: wu, 6 x ~mile (60) (5:44, 5:43, 5:43, 5:34, 5:31, 5:21), wd - good session on a stretch probably just under a mile. Did first 3 with Hayley then for the last 3 ran with her for a couple of minutes then pushed on. Much better than Tuesday and stride felt really solid.
Friday: 31 gradually speeding up over run.
Saturday: wu, 2 x 3.5 mile tempo off 60 seconds {2 laps BP}, wd (20:15, 20:46, AVG: 10:15 / 5.51mm) AM ; 33 easy + d + s PM
Sunday: 1:43 long run with middle hour at low 7mm.
Really struggled this week and not totally sure why. Apart from Tuesday I felt okay but just seemed to have lost about 20 seconds a mile. Bit confusing as although I had an easier week for the exams it shouldn't have affected me that much.
Thursday wasn't a phenomenal session but felt like I was getting a good aerobic effort in. Saturday I was struggling more with my legs which felt tired.
Part of it might be the effect of starting work again which always shatters me for the first week back.
Need to keep on working and get a few more solid weeks in and see if that helps.
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