Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Training With A Pedometer

Yesterday went out with a pedometer for the first time and it's a little weird how it affects me running. If you don't stick to a certain route which you know it's length then I found myself conciously thinking "If I extend my stride length then this run will actually come out on the pedometer as shorter" and therefore not doing it despite the fact I know it's good practice. Quite disturbing really. The problem lies in that my stride varies from tiny to massive all over the course of about 100m so over a whole run the variation could be immense. Just have to keep on trying till I find the right stride length I guess. 50 inches at the moment, at least if I keep running the same routes and recording my steps eventually I'll know when my stride has increased.

I bid you good night and good luck to anyone running on Sunday in the marathon

1 comment:

beanz said...

maybe you should get a garmin with GPS - then you don't have to worry about stride length

it has liberated my runnig to try different routes without getting thhe map and cotton out

I found the pedometer never really gave me a good reading.


Bryn Running

Training diary and musings on running in general.