Progress of a sort I suppose. I ran 18 minutes today and whilst the glute/back felt itchy I wasn’t in pain. It was a weird one as it definitely didn’t feel as good as it did on Saturday when it was strong at the start but it was the same for the whole run and felt much better at the end.
Anyway – an 18 minute run, then I put in a hard 75 minutes on the exercise bike (progressive work-out, increasing the tension every 15 minutes, finished level 5 this time which is as far as I’ve got so far) followed by 5 minutes running immediately after which was totally pain-free (and really quite pleasant albeit raining).
As a whole – a very good session.
Then headed out to the pub to catch up with the Chasers who’d had some very decent runs at the Richmond 10k earlier and managed to win the men and women’s county championships – very impressed with both teams! Lucie also managed to win the individual Surrey Ladies.
Sadly we were less successful at the pub quiz. A second place finish was scant commiseration though winning the “bonus round” and a free drink made it a worthwhile evening from my perspective.
Having managed to remain teetotal I headed back and got an easy hour in on the exercise bike whilst watching “Day of the Dead”.
As usual – lots of work using “The Grid” (think I’m finally starting to make progress on a horrible set of knots where my outside quad joins my knee) and stretching followed by watching this inspirational video of Tim Don training – here. That Kenyan day just looks like plain hard work!
Think that’s about it for today – keep well everyone.
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