Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Training W/C 26th November

Monday: 65 easy w. 4 minute hard burst - followed by core/weights/core.
Tuesday: wu, 8 x 800 off 80 (2:39, 33, 37, 37, 39, 35, 39, 35) wd - great session with Dan. Running within myself as this isn't the focus of the week but felt really good. Left hip was a bit tight.
Wednesday: 50 v. slow into work AM; 51 v. slow home from work.
Thursday: wu, 4 x mile off 90 at ~ 5:40mm (sub-maximal), wd
Friday: 44 to work
Saturday: 30 wu, Old Gits race (23:31), 15 wd AM; PM 33 easy
Sunday: 46 easy (hip flexor playing up post-race) AM; PM 55 exercise bike

Not a particularly hard week but volume was better - just hope hip flexor issue goes away.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Training W/C 19th November

Monday: 30 easy AM; 45 easy PM (75)

Tuesday: 45 easy AM; track PM (mile, mile, 800 - half session at ~5:20 pace)

Wednesday: 45 easy AM; 45 easy PM (90)

Thursday: rest

Friday: rest

Saturday: 37 minutes (stomach painful)

Sunday: 11 minutes (felt drained and fuzzy/dizzy)

Weird week. My stomach was playing up the whole time but was very much in the background in the earlier party of the week where a minor twinge in my hip flexor from the hill session last week playing up towards the end of runs was annoying. I also had a very weird and scary niggle where after about 2 minutes of running my right achilles/calf would go very tight and painful (almost too much to run) and then within a couple of minutes totally disappear and not bother me for the rest of the run.

Second half of the week my stomach got worse. Thursday I was planning to run in and got as far as kit on and all packed up before I decided I'd end up curled in a ball on the way to work. A leaving do on Thursday didn't help matters and my stomach was very painful on Friday. Saturday it held up for a but ended in me walking back in pain. Sunday I got 6 minutes into my run and was dizzy and confused (probably wasn't absorbing anything properly) so headed straight back.

Things seem to have perked up today with a decent run and core session and a better stomach. Hopefully it'll be a better week!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Training W/C 12/11/2012

Stressful week saw a decreased volume but a couple of good sessions and my best long run in quite a while.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Training W/C 5th November 2012

Monday: rest - gave the ankle a break and spent the day revising

Tuesday: Exam in morning. Wasn't going to do a session for a week or so but no one else was around to lead the session so headed down planning to set people off and do some easy laps but decided to give it a go.

Session was 4, 8, 12, 2k, 12, 8, 4 off 75 (120 after 2k rep) - (78, 2:37, 3:59, 7:00, 3:59, 2:36, 68) - really pleased as was running solo on a windy track and despite my lungs screaming the week off seems to have been fine.

Wednesday: 20 wu, 8 x 60 sec hill (90 jog down), 20 wd

Thursday: wu, 3 x lap BP off 90 (9:33, 10:13, 7:30 for 3/4), wd

First rep was too fast trying to stay with the guys. Second rep was too slow trying to recover. Third rep was just right but unfortunately 3 huge blisters were forming sure to wearing new Faas 300s and I had to stop and hobble/jog home.

Friday: 35 very easy, blisters okay after some home surgery the night before.

Saturday: wu, Surrey League XC (5th), wd

Good race on the whole. Started steadily in about 40th but had worked my way to the big lead group over the first mile. Walton runner got clear early on but a few of us pulled away on the first big hill chasing after those he'd dropped.

Second lap I was a bit lazy sitting behind a guildford runner. Really I should have tried to push on but given I'd not run for a week beforehand played it safe.

Sunday: 46 easy after moving.

Good week with some tough workouts. Very glad to see I've lost minimal fitness due to the ankle injury.

Nike Victory XC spikes were a revelation. First time ever I've been able to run in spikes with no pain. 10/10

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Training W/C 29th October 2012

First part of the week was spent recovering from the ankle sprain with some light steady running in the second part of the week.

Bryn Running

Training diary and musings on running in general.